Breast augmentation surgery is very important for women due to a variety of factors: breast shedding due to cancer, congenital abnormalities, natural small breasts, underdevelopment of the breast, sudden weight loss or reduced breast volume after breastfeeding. The desire to enlarge breasts is usually not only a whimsical whim, but also a desire to defeat the many complexes associated with this part of the body. Modern plastic surgery is developing every day and can provide women with a variety of options to solve the problem of breast enlargement.
The surgical approach of breast augmentation:
- Armpit method (armpit)Allows you to maintain the integrity and sensitivity of the breast. The postoperative scar is located in an inconspicuous area. The disadvantage of this method is that successful breast augmentation requires a high degree of expertise of the surgeon and good endoscopic equipment. When using the axillary method, it is difficult to position the implant correctly.
- Periareolar methodMake an incision between the colored and unpainted skin along the lower border of the nipple and areola. Breast augmentation in this way is suitable for women who already have children, because there is a risk of violation of the breast duct. The areola method is suitable for small implants. The advantage is that the surgeon can perform nipple plastic surgery at the same time without the need for additional incisions.
- Submammary methodOne of the safest breast augmentation methods. The surgeon makes an incision in the woman's chest fold to place the implant. Therefore, a convenient way for the surgeon to form the implant bed is provided. That's why he positioned it in the best way. The scar after breast augmentation is invisible because it is hidden by the natural folds of the breast. Most importantly, this breast augmentation surgery method is suitable for women with obvious breast folds.
- Umbilical cord channelUndesirable because it allows you to install implants filled with only saline solution, which has lost its meaning. The essence of this method is to place the implant through the incision above the belly button. The surgeon creates a special endoscopic channel in the skin from the belly button to the chest under the skin, which is used to install the prosthesis. The implants are delivered through them to the chest cavity before being filled with saline. The advantage of this method is that there are no scars and scars on the chest.
- Transabdominal accessUsed in conjunction with abdominal plastic surgery to avoid additional incisions on the patient. To do this, the surgeon places the implant through an incision in the anterior abdominal wall. The advantage of this method is that there are no scars on the chest.
Breastfeeding after breast augmentation
In breast augmentation surgery using the armpit or under-breast method, the breast ducts are not disturbed, so if a woman is genetically inclined to breastfeed, she may not worry about her future child. The only restriction is that the pregnancy plan after breast augmentation should not be earlier than 1-2 years after the implantation of breast augmentation.
Indications for breast augmentation
- Drooping breasts after breastfeeding;
- As a result of the rapid weight loss, the breasts droop;
- Mammary gland hypoplasia (breast hypoplasia);
- Breast loss due to cancer;
- The patient desires to have bigger breasts.
Various breast augmentation implants
Two types of implants are generally distinguished: anatomical and round. They all have rough or smooth shells. Always discuss with the surgeon which type to use. The expert divides the size of the implant by the volume (in milliliters). The implants are selected for each patient strictly according to the physiological characteristics of the patient.
Preparing for breast augmentation
In order to prepare women for breast augmentation, face-to-face consultation with an expert is required. The expert will talk about the functions and details of the surgery and the planned results. After that, the patient was sent for a series of tests: general blood and urine tests, blood tests for HIV, hepatitis, syphilis, biochemical blood tests, and the following tests: ECG, fluoroscopy, gynecologist, gynecologist, and anesthesiologistConsultation. The test results make it possible to detect the presence of contraindications to breast augmentation in women. Experts also informed that as a preparation for breast augmentation, it is necessary to give up bad habits: stop drinking and smoking after two weeks. You cannot eat or drink the day before the cosmetic surgery.
How is breast augmentation performed?
On the day the breast augmentation surgery is scheduled, the patient must (preferably early) arrive at the clinic to have time to prepare for the surgery. Before breast augmentation, the surgeon will mark the woman's body according to the previously selected method of surgery. These can be dotted lines on the lower border of the nipple and areola, dotted lines in the breast fold area, etc. After completing all preparatory activities, the patient will be given general anesthesia. Then treat the breast area with disinfectant and start breast augmentation. To this end, the surgeon cuts the incision with a scalpel according to the mark and installs the pre-prepared implant in the best way to achieve the best appearance of the breast. At the end of the mammoplasty, sutures and bandages are applied to the incision, and then the compression garment is put on the woman. The total operating time will not exceed two hours, this is a personal matter.
How should I behave after breast augmentation?
After breast augmentation and plastic surgery, the patient stayed in the hospital immediately because the operation was performed under general anesthesia. Then, the woman will need to go for dressing the next day until the sutures are removed (approximately 1-1. 5 weeks). During the first week, the patient may feel heaviness and pain in the chest, but this is completely normal because the breast swelling continues during this period. In order to relieve women's health, the surgeon prescribed painkillers. Don't forget that it is necessary to wear compression underwear, which can prevent the occurrence of edema, fix the implant in the proper position, and make your life easier during the rehabilitation period, which will last about one and a half months. Over time, the edema will subside, and then it will be possible to evaluate the actual results of breast augmentation. It is worth stopping wearing a compression bra with the surgeon's permission, so that you can easily recover soon after the operation.
Why do I need to wear compression clothes after breast augmentation?
Compression underwear is a special bra made of elastic fibers with a fixing strap on the top. After breast augmentation, it is worn to form a natural capsule, which is used to implant implants in women's breasts. Thanks to this kind of underwear, the breast implant is fixed in the correct position and will not move. Because the bra presses on the pectoralis major muscle, there will be no swelling after the operation. Not all women can use ordinary sports tops instead of compression panties; before doing so, you should consult your surgeon first.
What should you give up immediately after breast augmentation surgery?
- Strenuous physical activity;
- Lifting heavy objects;
- Sports activities;
- SPA treatments, bathtubs, saunas;
- Sunbathing, swimming in open water;
- Sleep next to you, turn to your side.
Complications that may occur after breast augmentation
- Hematoma, hematoma;
- The implant is displaced and its outline is obvious;
- Capsular contracture;
- Keloid scar
- Nipples and breasts lose sensitivity.
How to apply stitches after surgery?
In order to make the stitches after breast augmentation heal successfully, it is enough to take care of them thoroughly without using special products and ointments.
Contraindications of breast augmentation surgery:
- Diabetes and tuberculosis;
- Oncology
- There are chronic and infectious diseases in the acute phase;
- High blood pressure;
- Poor blood clotting;
- Scar tendency
- Varicose veins;
- Lactation period
- pregnancy;
- menstruation;
- HIV, hepatitis, syphilis;
- Younger than 18 years old.
How long can I start having sex after breast augmentation surgery?
You should not return to your private life within one month after cosmetic surgery. This is due to the fact that blood may flow to the breast during intercourse, and the breast can move during this process. It should not be squeezed under any circumstances.
Can I sunbathe after the operation?
Over time, you should not do this until the stitches have healed and turned white. Even if the sun does not directly affect them, women should not be outdoors for a long time.
Can I exercise after breast augmentation?
It is possible, but it takes time for the body to recover. Even after a month and a half, it’s worth exercising with caution, and you shouldn’t load your pectoral muscles at all.
When can I take a shower after breast augmentation?
7 days later. But again, the most important thing is to perform all actions carefully, and it is best to consult your surgeon in addition.